Professional Development Activities & Initiatives

Since our Foundation in 2006, JUVE has created several projects and programs that aimed to empower our community through information and education. Some of our past projects include seminars on Immigration, Technology, Leadership, Financial Management, Human Rights, Civil Rights, Project Management, GED Programs and more. Our most popular seminar by far is “Doors to Higher Education,” due to the increasing interest of the Hispanic community in accessing a college education.

In previous years, JUVE has also contributed to projects that directly influence the participation of Ecuadorians in art, social and cultural matters. Clear examples are the Ecuadorian Renaissance, a project created to present different forms of plastic Arts created by Ecuadorians under the topic of immigration. Other projects that promote the culture and heritage pride are the Carnaval, Carnavalito event, and participation in Ecuadorian Parades every year.

Another great accomplishment of past JUVE initiatives was a series of “register to vote” campaigns for the Ecuadorian community in NY. This campaign reached over 1000 people and successfully encouraged our community to exercise their right to vote.


banner-JUVE-EXPO-2014“JUVE EXPO” is an annual event where JUVE presents to the community our calendar and activities for the year. This is a space where we welcome new members and volunteers of our organization. At JUVE expo our community is invited to participate in each of our initiatives.


1620522_755581587794398_769956879_nAn informational seminar directed for people who need a guidance on how to go to college in the United States. This seminar has the purpose of covering all the key information for individuals to access the educational system, including the application process, financial aid and more. This is one of our most acclaimed and important seminars of the year as we provide the information necessary for community members to start their education in this country.


JUVE Retiro” is an event co-sponsored by the National Park Service’s Program: Your Park! Your Health! and has the purpose of bringing members of the organization to a space where they can relax, re-boost energies and build new leadership and teamwork skills. JUVE Retiro will engage members of the organization in interactive, challenging and rewarding activities such as meditation, soccer games, kayaking and among others. JUVE Retiro also serves as a space to open a conversation amongst members on different ideas and goals. By being in an environment free of distractions, noise and traffic, JUVE members are able to share a collaborative, creative and purposed space.

Carnaval/ Carnavalito


Para juventud Ecuatoriana es muy importante mantener las tradiciones vivas y transmitirlas a nuevas generaciones y a otras comunidades, El evento Carnaval #carnavalito es…

Ecuadorian Scholars Fund

The Ecuadorian Scholars Fund (ESF) was created to inspire young ecuadorians to pursue a college degree. Organizacion Juventud Ecuatoriana (JUVE) strongly believes that education is the road to success, and has…

Renacimiento Ecuatoriano

Ecuadorian Renaissance “CULTURAL EXODUS OF THE UNIVERSAL CITIZEN.” This event seeks to showcase a new commencement in the context of immigration, to demonstrate how the experience of immigrating has impacted our lives and how our people…

Subele el Volumen

Organización Juventud Ecuatoriana brings you Súbele el Volumen, a talent showcase competition. Súbele el Volumen will provide a space for Ecuadorians and Latinos to show their skills on the stage while contributing to a good cause. Súbele el Volumen was created to…

DACA: Deffered Action

Organización Juventud Ecuatoriana has been elected by the Department of Youth and Community Development as a Community Outreach Provider for the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals – DACA initiative. Due to its relation…


Seminario de Crísis Económica (2009)

Seminario de Superacion Personal (2008)

Seminario: Tomando Control de Sus Finanzas (2008)

Seminario: Como Optimizar su Computadora (2007)

Seminario de Negocios por Internet (2007)

Resumen del Seminario, Puertas a una Educacion Superior, Becas y Ayuda Financiera (2007)


JUVE has received a number of recognition and awards for its hard work, altruistic vision and contribution to stronger and more educated communities:

  • SLAM FEST Award for Excellence in Community Service – Voltaje Magazine – 2007
  • Excellence in Community Service – Ecuadorian Consulate of New York – 2007
  • New York City Council Proclamation for Excellence in Community Service – 2007
  • New York City Council Proclamation for Excellence in Community Service – 2008
  • Excellence in Community Service – Ecuadorian Consulate of New York – 2009
  • New York City Council Proclamation for Excellence in Community Service – 2009
  • New York State Assembly Proclamation for Excellence in Community Service – 2013