Who is elegible for DACA?

You might be eligible, if: You entered the US before June 15th, 2007 You were younger than 16 at entry You were 30 years or younger on June 15th, 2012 You are enrolled in High School or have a GED Diploma To be eligible you also need to either have already graduated...

What is DACA?

The Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals – DACA Program is a special immigration program designed to allow certain individuals who did not violate immigration and customs laws on purpose to continue to live and work in the United States. DACA benefits children...

Mi historia: Juve Música

Por: Daniel Maldonado La música me ha venido acompañado desde muy niño; miembros de mi familia practicaban música como aficionados pero nunca decidieron ejercerla como profesión, ya sea por la falta de información o por situaciones domesticas.  De todas maneras,...