You might be eligible, if:

  • You entered the US before June 15th, 2007
  • You were younger than 16 at entry
  • You were 30 years or younger on June 15th, 2012
  • You are enrolled in High School or have a GED Diploma
  • To be eligible you also need to either have already graduated from high school in the US or have completed your GED/HSE


  • Be currently enrolled in high school, an adult education class like a GED/HSE class, an ESL class, a career training/vocational program, or post-secondary school program
  • It’s okay if you’ve never gone to school in the US or dropped out of school
  • You can enroll in school or an adult education program TODAY and still qualify!
  • DACA is not the same as the DREAM Act – you don’t have to have a high school diploma or have gone to college

If you don’t have one or more of this requirements, do not feel discouraged. There are professionals who can guide you throughout the process and assist you with the application for the program.


Juventud Ecuatoriana can help you in the process of applying for DACA. Contact Us.